Kukiriza Abigal
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Career Ambition: Nurse
Age: 10
Primary 3
Abigal is a single orphan -- her father
is deceased and her mother has HIV/Aids. She lives with her mother. She loves to sing and helps at home by fetching water. The village school is very close to her home, and Abigal is eager for education. Click the "Add to Cart" button to become an educational sponsor for Abigal now ($330/year), or view additional recurring funding options.
Career Ambition: Nurse
Age: 10
Primary 3
Abigal is a single orphan -- her father
is deceased and her mother has HIV/Aids. She lives with her mother. She loves to sing and helps at home by fetching water. The village school is very close to her home, and Abigal is eager for education. Click the "Add to Cart" button to become an educational sponsor for Abigal now ($330/year), or view additional recurring funding options.