- Nabakooza Gorret
Nabakooza Gorret
Career Ambition: Tailoring and Dressmaking
Gorrett (age 18) is studying Tailoring and Design in vocational school! Tailoring is an excellent job skill for a young female entreprenuer! Gorrett is a double orphan, meaning that both of her parents have passed away. She lives with her elderly grandmother and four younger siblings. Gorrett excels in English and Luganda (the local language). Please consider helping this bright young woman gain the education and skills she needs to start her own business! Gorret's full annual sponsorship is $1,125, but she still needs two more co-sponsorship of $375 each to join with one current co-sponsor. If you can fund the remaining $750 needed, please indicate the quantity of"2" when you provide the funding. Click the "Add to Cart" button to become a co-sponsor for Gorretnow or view additional funding options.